Player name: Boskovic, Drasko (2)See rating chart
Most recent federation:   Yugoslavia
Date of birth: N/A
Most recent ID: 926230
Sex: man
Notes: Probably a ghost copy of this player.
  list        pos  Player_ID  Name                                 Title Fed  Rtng   +/-  Gms   Birthday   Sex  Flag 
Jan 1999    12826=   926230  Boskovic, Drasko (2)                        YUG  2195     0    0                        
Jul 1998    11843=   926230  Boskovic, Drasko (2)                        YUG  2195     0    0                        
Jan 1998    11467=   926230  Boskovic, Drasko (2)                        YUG  2195         32